About Uncommon Sense Physique

This site was born out of sheer frustration from the overwhelming number of fitness websites peddling utter garbage, and my total disdain for charlatan “fit pros” selling quick fixes and secret sauce. As a result, I have a very clear vision of what Uncommon Sense Physique will and will not be.

What’s in a name?

For years, aghast at the stupidity of what are quickly becoming industry norms, I used to say to people “Surely common sense must tell you that information is bogus?”. But of course, I quickly realized what I took for common sense was in fact not common at all. Not even close. So whether it’s the number of calories in a gram of fat, or the fact that you can’t out-train a bad diet, there are a great many things that good people just don’t know.

And thus Uncommon Sense Physique was born.

Never was the term uncommon sense more true than when applied to diet. I can’t tell you how much bad advice there is out there related to fitness nutrition.

The reasons for this are many, but in short it comes down to this: Diet and nutrition is a complex subject.

So if you want more than just the sum of someone’s personal experiences, you’ll want to work with a coach who’s been trained in the fundamentals of nutrition coaching. Too many coaches focus either exclusively on the training or provide clients with insufficient nutritional advice to lead a healthy lifestyle (yes, I’m talking to you IIFYMers!).


This is why I opted to invest in becoming a Precision Nutrition Certified Coach, and a Certified Personal Trainer and Strength and Conditioning Coach through the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA).

Substantive, proven nutrition coaching is the missing component in health and fitness.

The Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification is the industry’s most respected education program. It gives coaches the knowledge, systems, and tools they need to really understand how nutrition influences a person’s health and fitness.

Developed over 15 years, and proven with nearly 100,000 clients, the Precision Nutrition curriculum stands alone as the authority on the science of nutrition and the art of coaching.

What you can expect from working with me:

  • A holistic coaching approach that centers on coaching people not problems (i.e. behaviors, not just outcomes)
  • Empathy and understanding, and the perfect amount of instruction
  • A guide on the road to total wellness, mind and body
  • Results that last for the long-term (i.e. education and behavior change, not just a script to follow)
  • Support from our growing community and my network of fitness professionals
  • The humility to acknowledge my shortcomings and make referrals when more help is needed

What you won’t get working with me:

  • Short-cuts, the secret-sauce or nuggets pulled from the rainbow-colored poops of unicorns
  • Endless memes about how warrior-like it was to complete that set of squats the other day
  • Pigeon-holed into a program or diet that doesn’t fit with your lifestyle
  • Lambasted for making mistakes, knowingly or otherwise

So take a look around.

Learn more about your coach or to discuss your individual goals.

To your health!

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