
Fight on

I stumbled across this passage early this morning, and given it’s Monday… well, I thought that “Fight on!” seemed appropriate!

Also, I enjoyed the closing remarks:

“There’s no first place or second place in life. No rewards or diplomas. Just choices. And those choices will either echo throughout the ages or turn to dust the moment you die.”

… will the choices you make today stand the test of time?

That’s how winning is done!

balboaThis scene from Rocky Balboa gets me every time. Every. Single. Time.

Heck, I even have a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes as I proof-read this post!

Yes, I know it’s a movie, and sure, the words are explicitly intended to create a sense of drama and elicit an emotional response from the audience. But there are quite literally thousands (millions?) of movies, books and theatrical works that try to achieve the same result and fail. Of course, one’s reaction to any given dialog or scene is a deeply personal experience. But why is it then, that this speech from Balboa to his son stirs so much emotion in me?

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