
Progress, workouts, nutrition and more

Sunset at Lafayette reservoirGiven I started Testosterone Replacement Therapy on Thursday, I just thought I’d share a quick update on progress.

First-off, let me start by saying that I have no real sense of what to expect. Some things I read say common symptoms start to improve in 3-6 weeks, with some taking perhaps months to improve. That said, I did feel like my general mood and outlook had lifted somewhat yesterday, and I also had a storming workout at the gym.

Was the influx of Testosterone responsible for this seemingly noticeable improvement in mood and performance, or was that just hope personified… the placebo effect of having just taken something and literally willing it to work? I honestly don’t know, but I guess we’ll find out over the coming weeks.

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The secret to your success?

Confused?Over the last six months, I’ve read more articles on diet and fitness than I can count. Unfortunately, most aren’t worth the pixels they’re painted on.


Because they are largely all written in such a way as to be absolute.

Do this in exactly this way to achieve this outcome. The one way, the specific thing, the exact protocol.

And it doesn’t seemingly matter if you want to be bigger, leaner, faster, smarter, better in bed, better at life… there’s always a secret, a shortcut, an easy path to whatever outcome you seek.

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This is how change happens

There’s an old adage that says you are what you eat, and in spite of the great many diet fads that come along each year, this simple advice has largely withstood the test of time. Of course, you are free to interpret this simple statement however you like, but for me it boils down to this: all things being equal, your quality of dietary health is largely the sum of what you let pass your lips.

Increasingly of late, I’ve discovered the same is true in other areas of our lives too, such as the friends we surround ourselves with or the people from whom we are taking our advice.

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